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If you or someone you know needs help, call us:

About WMRCC​

Our services include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Referrals
  • Counselling
  • Accompaniment
  • Mentorship
  • Newcomer Support
  • Workshops
  • Youth Programs
  • Diversity Training
  • Outreach Program
  • Worker Cooperative
  • Development Program

Mission Statement

The Women’s Multicultural Resource and Counselling Centre of Durham Region is a Registered Charitable Organization, dedicated to provide specialized counselling and support to women of all ages and their families, from diverse backgrounds, to eradicate violence, to re-build their lives, and to enable them to become contributing and valued members of society.

The organization was founded in 1993 to provide services and to increase public awareness of the rising incidence of woman assault in our community.

All women, regardless of race, culture, social identity, religion, sexual orientation, class, age, income, immigration status and ability have equitable access to our programs and services.

Our services are free, culturally sensitive and confidential.

No one is turned away.

History of the Agency

In the early 1990s, there was no specific agency in Durham Region dealing with issues of violence against multicultural women, immigrant and refugee women in the region. A group of dedicated volunteers researched the best ways to meet the needs of these specific women. There was a need assessment and focus group sessions conducted with women from diverse backgrounds who experienced violence and abuse by Barbara Rahder and associates…

what we do

We are Registered Charitable Organization dedicated mainly to the eradication of violence against immigrant, newcomer women, children and youth.

The organization was founded in 1993 to provide services and increase public awareness of the rising incidence of woman assault in our community.

The organization works from integrated feminist, anti-racist and anti-oppression perspectives.

our network

WMRCC of Durham acknowledges the financial support from our funders:

  • Status of Women Canada
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation
  • Service Canada
  • Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
  • The support of the Government of Ontario is acknowledged

Get Involved

WMRCC of Durham is always in need of volunteers who can share their skills, talent, time, wisdom and knowledge with others. WMRCC of Durham values the contribution made by volunteers and volunteers are integral part of the agency. Volunteers at the agency contribute in different programs and services including outreach support, administrative duties, fundraising, workshops, case aide support, mentorship and accompaniment. Your involvement as a volunteer makes a difference in other peoples lives.

Important Notice

All our programs and groups have been suspended until everything normalizes, however, women, youth and children in need of services can still reach out to us through leaving a message for us at (905) 427-7849, or emailing us at [email protected]. We hope that you are keeping safe and healthy.

We are looking forward to continue running full services and programs to families and the community in the near future

Workshops and Orientation

A Marketplace for Kindness

Shop for Good (www.ShopforGood.ca) is a digital social enterprise operated by the Women’s Multicultural Resource & Counselling Centre of Durham. Shop for Good is an online art and crafts marketplace for WMRCC community members, other Canadian charities and nonprofit organizations, and individuals from underrepresented communities. It allows charities and individuals (primarily underrepresented communities including women, immigrants, people with disabilities and individuals experiencing poverty) to sell their handmade goods online.

Testimonies from WMRCC Clients

It feels so good to have someone to talk to; someone who understands the issue and sensitive to my feelings. I am always looking forward to coming to my counselling session every week!

Today I hesitated quite a bit before coming to this session. I contemplated cancelling the appointment but here I am leaving a different individual from the one who walked in. I feel so much lighter after my session. These counselling sessions present an opportunity to feel free and clear my mind of negative and other thoughts of hopelessness.

This agency was there for me in the early nineties when majority of the community did not know how to deal with a Muslim woman like me, for that I will always be grateful.

Recent Events

Many thanks to our funding partners

Need help? call us: